Sebastiaan Berendse coordinates and develops Wageningen University & Research (WUR) activities to generate impact and value added for society. Value creation as third core task of WUR focuses on generating impact through application in practice. He is responsible for knowledge transfer, startups and entrepreneurship (including EU wide accelerator StartLife), shared research facilities & Wageningen Campus development, the Science Shop and Wageningen Dialogues. His passion is to have a personal impact on global challenges (e.g. circular, protein & energy transitions) by using his business administrative background (RSM Erasmus & Stockholm School of Economics). He has been working for more than 20 years in the field of business development, valorisation, innovation clusters, start-up and scale up support and international cooperation in R&D. Next to his WUR role he is involved with the impact VC investment fund Shift Invest (Investment Advisory Committee), board member of the UniversityFund Wageningen foundation and the StartLife foundation board.